Pope as Anti-Chirst?

Recent “revelations” about Michele Bachmann prompted this search. I didn’t know what to do with the articles then I realized that’s why I have this blog.

Catholic Encyclopedia article on the subject:

Protestant apologist page on the subject:

Pope JPII was the anti-christ?

More protestant views

Another Catholic view

Endorsement Time

For Governor; Tim Pawlenty

It is perhaps the most difficult decision I had to make this year; I will be discussing it in the coming Podcast this Sunday. It was tough since Tim Pawlenty believes in and advocates for ideas that I think are both damaging to conservatives and to the country as a whole. I voted for Sue Jeffers in the primary and I was originally going to not vote for anyone in this race. Catch the Podcast for the details.

For United States Senator; Mark Kennedy

Kennedy is another person who isn’t perfect. Then again, who is perfect? Kennedy has a hawkish foreign policy view that matches mine, he wants to preserve the Bush tax cuts and he’s not going to be someone who would block constitutionally appointed judges. Amy Klobuchar, his opponent, saw Minneapolis have dramatic increases in crime under her watch. Klobuchar would work to repeal the Bush tax cuts (i.e. raise taxes) and would probably hamper anti-terror efforts by the Bush administration. The only reason to ballot for Amy Klobuchar is to get her away from the Hennepin County Prosecutors Office.

For Secretary of State; Mary Kiffmeyer

The Secretary of State has two jobs, one deals with elections and the other deals with businesses. In both cases Mary Kiffmeyer is the one you want in office. She has pushed to reduce fees for businesses that are forced to go through her office by law to register their business names and other matters. As far as elections go, I don’t think anyone has made a persuasive case that her presence has hampered turnout. I’ve also had the chance to interview her, it’s available here.

For State Auditor; Patty Anderson

She’s the taxpayers watchdog, at least that’s what she says and I believe her. State Auditor is the one office where you should have a tight fisted GOPer looking for waste.

For Attorney General; Jeff Johnson

The race no one cares about. It’s too bad though, the Attorney General spot has been used as a springboard for higher office for a lot of politicians. The Attorney General office has also been used as a platform to attack “evil” corporations for doing “terrible” things like developing medicines which cure diseases and providing people with food, energy and for fueling our economy’s lust for oil. It’s easy to attack corporations for providing us the things we want, and Lori Swanson would continue that tradition. This is one race where it makes sense to vote against something.

First District; Gil Gutknecht

Gil is a GOP office holder who loves the pork. He pushed to expand railroads in his district and he voted against CAFTA to protect his beet growers. Gil has some good points too, he scores a lifetime 94 rating from the American Conservative Union and he has pushed for reform and new leadership following the Jack Abramoff scandal. He always petitions to get his name on the ballot rather than pay for access, something which was attacked unsuccessfully earlier in the year. It’s too bad as I’m a big fan of getting petitions to be on ballots. Gutknecht’s conservative record can’t be beat, despite the pork, and is worthy of re-election over Tim Walz.

Second District; John Kline

I haven’t seen persuasive evidence that Kline is not worthy of re-election. He’s a friend of conservatives and carries a 95 lifetime ACU rating. Colleen Rowley, his main opponent, has associated herself with the far left, including the likes of Cindy Sheehan, and isn’t going to be a serious competitor.

Third District; No Ballot

Jim Ramstad is a pro-choice Republican in a pro-life district. Ramstad doesn’t help conservatism. His opponent, is, well, going to lose.

Fourth District; Obi Sium

On my primary issue he does well; he answered the MCCL questionnaire to my satisfaction. Obi is a good guy in person and is a much better choice than his opponent Betty McCollum.

Fifth District; No Ballot (but still considering)

Maybe Alan Fine is worth voting for in this bluest of the blue districts. Maybe one should vote for Tammy Lee. Maybe the Green Party guy is worthy of consideration. I see this race as between Ellison (the Democrat which will embarrass Minnesota and the national Democratic Party) and Tammy Lee (The Democrat who won’t embarrass you). Fine hasn’t separated himself from the pack of lefties he’s running against. In a three (or four) way race you should distance yourself from your opponents (why even try to out-Democrat a Democrat?) not run towards them as I see Fine doing. However, I’m very open to hearing some defense of Alan Fine to reconsider.

Sixth District; Michele Bachmann

A long time ago I had a reputation for being a pretty hardnosed guy. I was a football player in high school and I was the only guy on my team over a five year stretch to ever get an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. I was a wrestler. I was a bar bouncer. I’ve had my fair share of scuffles. My parents even purchased for me a baseball made of stone which had the phrase “sometimes you just gotta play hardball.” During the endorsement process it was clear Michele Bachmann was playing hardball. I supported Jay Esmay in the race. Jay was a conservative veteran, very nice guy and he had a great handle on the issues. He was also the “Sir Galahad” of the race for the GOP endorsement. I believe in the nice guy. I want the nice guy in politics. But the nice guys, the Sir Galahads of politics need to learn basic political technology and they need to be willing to play hardball when it comes to it. I can’t fault Michele Bachmann for “bringing it” during her run for the endorsement. I also can’t fault her for her tireless campaigning and strong use of political technology. Earning an office in Washington D.C. is often a once in a lifetime opportunity for a very select group of people.

Michele Bachmann would be an advocate for so many things I believe and hold dear, from her views on abortion and gun control to her attitudes on the war on terror and taxes, that I fully endorse her election.

Seventh District; Michael Barrett

Michael Barrett gets my vote in the Seventh District. Colin Peterson’s voting record has been tracking more and more Democratic with each passing election. Barrett has been a true nuisance to Colin Peterson, the DFL incumbent in the Seventh. Barrett even caught Colin Peterson lying about why he didn’t make a public forum. Michael Barrett is a great candidate that has energized Republicans in the Seventh.

Eighth District; Rod Grams

Between the two candidates running to represent the Eighth District, I suggest a ballot for the one candidate who actually lives in the Eighth.

Transportation Amendment; No

I don’t think this amendment is appropriate for a state constitution. Let’s just let our elected representatives argue and vote on the budget. I don’t see a reason to change the constitution to add an accounting passage about what percentage of what should go where. No beancounting in my Constitutions.

The Andrade Theatre Presents

The last episode of MST3K:

Available completely here.