
Ellison signs on to impeach Cheney

Gore has his own assualt on reason

Random Link o’ the Day:


SCBA/MOB get-together in St. Cloud

Probably the most fun I’ve ever had at a blogger event was what transpired at the Granite City Food and Brewery yesterday. King Banaian (and his wife), King Banaian’s co-blogger Janet, Leo Pusateri, Speed Gibson, Andy Barnett (the new host of “Hot Talk” on 1450 KNSI), Gary Gross, another St. Cloud blogger I had never met (and another) and a whole list of GOP represantatives and candidates were all in attendance.

It was the usual array of discussions ranging from politics to economics to sports with a healthy amount of talk radio discussion. I recieved a lot of compliments for both my work on the ol’ Race to the Right show as well as my Twins Podcast. (It was the first time I had met a listener of my program who didn’t have a blog.) I was even able to watch some of the Twins game. Later on I was invited to a poker game. All in all a great time.

King’s live blog of the event, Speedy’s summary, and Leo’s pre-emption.

Fairness Doctrine

Gabcast! On The Road Podcasts #11

Gabcast did not automatically publish this, which bothers me since it seems every other time I use the service I need to fiddle with it to make it work right. My thoughts on the fairness doctrine are simple, it will bankrupt talk radio.

Frank Thomas

The obsession of humanity over the base-ten numbering system amazes me. Frank Thomas is no greater today than he was yesterday. Lou Gehrig is a better player than Thomas (at less than five hundred home runs) and Rafael Palmeiro is a lesser player than Thomas at 550+ home runs.

I did take the time to compare Frank Thomas to his peers in the 500 home run club based on park adjusted OPS (OPS+), AB/HR and batting average. Thomas ranks 11th in HR/AB, 7th in OPS and 6th in Batting Average among the 21 players now in the 500 home run club.

To describe how good Frank Thomas really is, his park adjusted OPS is higher than the following 500 club members: Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Sammy Sosa, Frank Robinson, Ken Griffey Jr, Harmon Killebrew, Ernie Banks, Eddie Mathews and Mel Ott.

He doesn’t get a lot of respect now since his footballer build has left him slow afoot and unable to take the field in a defensive role but Frank Thomas is among the greatest offensive forces this game has ever seen.


How pathetically desperate for offense does a team have to be to have people clamoring for a player who has hit 2 home runs in his last 202 at bats and has a .233 batting average?

Jacque Jones is a 32 year old has-been who’s numbers this year are worse than Nick Punto’s. If the Cubs ate all of Jones’ salary I still wouldn’t play him.

Sidebar Changes

As I get deeper and deeper into writing and covering baseball I have expanded the number of blogs I read in that direction. I’m going to be adding some baseball blogs to the sidebar on top of the ones I already have listed. La Velle E. Neal III, Joe Christensen and Howard Sinker are the trio of bloggers the Star Tribune had added for this season. As some of you might guess, I’m not a fan of the Star Tribune nor of the mainstream media in general and those three bloggers still have a lot of “J-School Baggage.” I disagree with them a lot but they also provide some good information.

I’m also going to add “Twins Geek” John Bonnes, “Stick and Ball Guy,” The “Nick and Nick” blog, Trevor Born the Twins Junkie and the blog “TwinkieTown.” Everyone of these blogs have their upsides and faults but collectively the information provided by these blogs blows away standard media coverage. I hope to get to everyone added to the sidebar by the weekend.

Blogger Fodder

US Juries are wrong, a lot. (1/6)

Facebook vs Myspace in a classist sense.

Indoctrinate U

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