links for 2010-12-22

Christmas Gift Guide 2010

Volume Six: Closet Shopping

The clock is ticking and the stores are empty. If you haven’t purchased your gifts, you might be feeling the pressure. Don’t worry, there’s an option here that will allow you to get rid of some stuff you’re not using and help the economy at the same time.

Go closet shopping.

Everyone has stuff. Most people have too much stuff. That stuff has value, but not enough value to be used everyday. But there is probably someone, somewhere, who would value that stuff in your closet enough to use it. So release your stuff. Dig deep down into the depths of darkness, in your closet, under you bed, in the garage, the attic. Wherever you put your surplus stuff. And wrap up the stuff and give it away.

Notice I’m not talking about regifting. Because this isn’t regifting. This is stuff you bought for yourself and didn’t use. Not that there’s anything wrong with regifting. Regifting works under the same principle, and it’s not shameful.

See, it’s basic economics. That stuff in your closet represents resources. Resources you don’t value enough to use. If you give those resources away as gifts, and in turn it gets regifted, eventually those resources will find people who will value them more than you. Those resources will re-enter the economy and assist in the creation of goods and services. Thus increasing GDP.

The more you closet shop, the more you regift, the less Christmas Deadweightloss.

It’s time for real hope and change. And less clutter.