From the Notebook

I often don’t have time to tackle some issues as in-depth as I’d like, so I’m creating a category of posts called “From the Notebook” in which I’ll tackle briefly issues I can’t get to in more detail.

-There have been some public complaints from pundits and politicians regarding oil prices, including attacks on speculators betting on higher oil prices and making money. Somehow, speculators are to blame for high oil prices, not a weakened dollar, limited supply, national and international growth, lack of domestic development, shortage of refineries nor the lack of economically feasible alternatives. Nope, let’s blame speculators for creating an oil bubble. Look, if you believe there’s an artificially high price on oil right now, then it’s time to short oil. Put your money where your rhetoric is. (In fact, there was a little bit of a downturn in price on oil recently). But, if you believe gas prices will go down if you just get rid of speculators, you’re probably too naïve to reason with.

-I’m a regular reader of Popular Mechanics and Popular Science. They are two great magazines and one of the reasons for this is the absolute optimism pervading every article. Nothing makes a person more optimistic for the future than regularly reading these magazines. Energy crisis? Bah, there will be dozens of alternatives for the enterprising engineer than using an internal combustion engine, there are hundreds of projects to help get people off the grid. Healthcare? There are miraculous feats of scientific magic on the way, some even affordable. As a prescription for my friends on the left suffering from incurable pessimism, I would suggest reading these magazines. To my conservative friends, the same applies.

-Trucker transport service. This is perhaps one of the odder ideas I’ve had lately but with gas prices the way they are I think it’s rational to look for alternatives than to pay hundreds of dollars every month. Truckers, big rig guys, have more experience and training driving vehicles than anyone else on the road. I’d rather ride with a trucker than drive myself. Truckers also have cabs with more than one seat in them. There are tens of thousands of truckers on the road every minute. Why couldn’t it be possible to create a system where people could basically hitchhike with truckers in an organized and plan-able way? It could easily be done with modern technology, truckers could sign up for a website, schedule regular stops and riders could plan out their trips as well. Tax incentives could be given for truckers who sign up and give regular rides. Private companies could do background checks on riders and give an added layer of security to truckers worried about the creepy creepies out there.

-No more than a few hours after I posted on the Portugal/Germany Soccer game the Portuguese surrendered like they surrendered India to Britain. More proof that all the good Portuguese left a long time ago.