“…France is a treasure to mankind. French ideas, French beliefs, and French actions form a sort of lodestone for humanity. A moral compass needle needs a butt end. Whatever direction France is pointing–toward collaboration with Nazis, accommodation with communists, existentialism, Jerry Lewis, or UN resolution veto–we can go the other way with a quiet conscience.”

-P.J. O’Rourke
From Peace Kills

This blog would like to welcome good friend and experienced politico Bill Gilles to the blogosphere, he’s already coming out swinging with posts on Eric Hoplin and the fees process. Also, Peace in our Time, welcome back.

I have to credit Eva Young at http://lloydletta.blogspot.com for pointing me at fellow MOBster Residual Forces‘ glowing post about Eric Hoplin. It had been a while since I had checked in with RF, and hadn’t seen his latest posts. Eva and I disagree on a lot of issues (Christian Coalition v. Log Cabin Republican) but she says I convinced her about Hoplin. I hope I can convince more.

I really want to unleash the hounds, but I actually like Residual Forces. It’s a blog that I read periodically, So I don’t have the heart to do it. That doesn’t change the fact that he is just off the mark by so much. In his post he defends Eric Hoplin, the former College Republican National Chairman, who is now running for Minnesota GOP deputy party chair. I’ve posted quite a bit on Hoplin, I’ve written columns about Hoplin, I’ve told as many people as I know about this GOP Slick Willy Eric Hoplin.

I’m about at my wits end. I’d spend about half an hour pulling up my column links and blog posts on Hoplin, but it’s just not worth it anymore. If you really want to find out, just google “Andrade Eric Hoplin” and I’m certain you’ll get the gist of what I have to say about the man.

My friend and sometime co-host Tony Garcia also posts a lot about Eric Hoplin, and he even has an archive of all his posts on him. Notice especially this post that destroys the cover story about RDI that Hoplin gives to RF.

Unfortunately, despite all this work the Hoplin infection (a less intelligent strain of Nixonitus) is even spreading to more members of the MOB, including Students for Bachmann.

And I really don’t want to harp on these guys, the Bachmann people nor Residual Forces. In fact, RF links to my blog (outside of the MOB roll). Also, the SFB blog is pretty good, but I’ll admit it’s not a daily read for me. I really hope none of these guys takes this personally. The last thing I need is for more people not to like me, but I’m very confident the facts are on my side here.

And I will immediately apologize if I am wrong. All Hoplin needs to do is provide some evidence that early on as CRNC chairman he tried to get out of the RDI contract. A dated memo, an explanation on why the CRNC tried to ignore the issue at first, emails to and fro about why RDI needed to be removed, whatever. I’ll even forgive Hoplin for trying to control local CR chapters and trying to bully the 2000-2001 U of M CR chapter. Just give me something.

I’m already spending more time than I wanted on this. I hope RF and SfB don’t take this personally. I hope Hoplin learns himself some morals. I hope for a lot of things. I hope that Hoplin gives me a phone call, that he’ll go on record on this blog (in an audio post), I’ll even buy the guy dinner for a chance to have a dialogue with him.

Hoplin, my number is just an email away (andr0332 at umn.edu)

You scored as Palpatine. You are the evil Emperor Palpatine! By the time you are rule the galaxy, you find yourself wearing black robes with absolutely nothing underneath. You came to regret your lack of undergarments when you fell down the drafty shaft on the second Death Star.



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