The Bookstore:

These are all books that I recommend reading

Well, it’s El Dos de Mayo! time here at the U of M. This means all the conservatives and right wingers on campus meet up for a 12 hour celebration of times past and activism ahead. We start this Sunday, at 3:30pm at Sally’s on Washington Avenue here in Minneapolis. After which, about 8pm, we’ll be goinig to Stub and Herb’s. About midnight, we truck our way into the Philips Nieghbourhood to gather at the Pizza Shack. Everyone is welcome, it’s a good time.

On an entirely different note, I have to say that Henry Long, God Bless him, is and can be annoying. We had our standard end of year BBQ down by the river flats. We had the standard assortment of grilled creature and starch. Henry wanted to play football. Which would be fine, except for the fact that he wanted me to play football.

I hate football.

However, I’m the type of guy who can suspend his hatred to try to have a good time. But, my knee is bad, I have a bad back, etc. In fact, i had spent the last week or so nursing a knee injury back to health. So I played a little. Figure this, by the ennd of the game I end up hurting my knee again, the thing looks like a basktball right now as I desperately try to ice it before my skin’s ability to expand expires.

That’s not the worst part, after we got done, I decide to put Hank into a wrestlers cradle, and try a few arm bars and wrist locks on him. He whines like a woman about how bad his back is.

Trying to sleep last night, tossinng and turning thanks to the pulsating pain, I thought about Henry. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I spent another hour awake holding an ice pack “DAMN YOU HENRY.”

That pissed off some of the people who live nearby.

I don’t care.

Next time I see Henry, I have a few key locks to test out on him.